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[ù] W Korea (1) (ѱ)

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  ͷ ٶϴ. ( 02-6412-0125 / nice@nicebook.kr)


W Korea (1) (ѱ) - 2023. 09                    

COVER LINE<BR> <BR> *BTS & Ŀ ͺȭ <BR> <BR> VOL.9, ̹ Ŀ źҳ(BTS) Դϴ. װ ù° ַ ٹҽ ˸ Ұ ĥ , Ʃ 縦 ƴ . W() M() ι Ǵ VOL.9 ٷ ʻ ٰ Ƴϴ. ֱ Ӹ Ȯ ִ ͺ Ҿ å ǿ äο Ʈ 50 Ը! ī޶ ̾߱Ⱑ ں Ȥ հ, Ƹ ޸ ġ ʾ. ߰ 쿡 ο 󱼷 ȣ ù ȭ ݰ. á ä ˴ϴ. Please Stay Tuned!<BR> <BR> The veil of W Korea Vol. 9 has finally been lifted, and the face that graces the cover is BTSs V!<BR> Just days before V announced the news of his first solo album, W Korea captured him in a studio in Seoul.<BR> In two respective editions, Woman and Man, W Korea VOL.9 will show you a multi-faceted portrait of V.<BR> Vs colorful spectrum is spread over nearly 50 pages across two books, including his very intimate interview!<BR> W Koreas cameras captured everything from his storytelling eyes to his seductive fingers to his majestic backside.<BR> Its Vs first look since he was announced as the new face of Cartier, and we couldnt be more excited to share it with you.<BR> More digital content will be coming soon through W Koreas digital channels.<BR> Stay Tuned!

Ⱑ ϴ.....


ڸ Vogue Korea (1) (ѱ)

ڽź Cosmopolitan (ηϾ) (ѱ)

Marie Claire(ѱ)

[DH] Ÿ Luxury



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